General requirements when listing your ad on carsales
How can you avoid your ads being reported?
What to do if your ad has been reported?
What is a reported ad?
When a listing on carsales is believed to be inaccurate, a customer may report the ad. Up to 95% of reported ads on carsales are flagged by the general public.
A vehicle listing can be reported if it falls under one or more of the following categories:
- It is suspected that it is a fraud or scam
- It infringes intellectual property, for example, a dealer has used images that contains personal information of the previous owners.
- It is incorrect or misleading, for example, the vehicle listed has the incorrect year, model or colour.
- A dealer neglects to respond to an enquiry.
- The vehicle has already been sold.
General requirements when listing your ad on carsales
When listing your vehicle, ensure that it:
- Is physically in stock and on the dealer's premises for immediate sale.
- Includes the correct selling price (including on road costs) and an accurate odometer reading.
- Includes the ideal benchmark of a minimum of 8 photographs on the vehicle.
- Has accurate make, model, series and badge details.
- Contains an accurate description of any additional options (either non-genuine or factory fitted).
How can you avoid your ads being reported?
We understand that mistakes happen, especially when listing large numbers of vehicles. Use the below tips to help ensure you keep your listings accurate.
- Have the vehicle papers in-hand when entering details to avoid guessing vehicle specs.
- Implement a quality assurance process for loading inventory.
- Have a colleague review your listings on AutoGate before they are published.
- Respond to listing enquiries in a timely manner.
- If your vehicle is sold, ensure you mark this immediately in AutoGate to remove the listing.
What to do if your ad has been reported?
If your ad has been reported and is found to have incorrect information, you will be advised by your carsales representative. It is recommended that these changes are made as soon as possible to ensure the accuracy of your listings. If the listing is not updated within a reasonable time frame, this may result in the listing being taken down.
Please be aware that any reports found to have incorrect information and are not updated can have legal repercussions.
If you have any questions about reported ads, or believe your ad has been incorrectly reported, please speak to your account manager.
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