To deliver a more user-friendly and effective dealer experience across the carsales network, we have made a number of updates to our stock locator and web platforms.
From 1 January 2022, we will begin the process of decommissioning Site Dynamics, and we will be upgrading our web platforms to i-Motor.
The i-Motor web platform and stock locator will provide you with the same features as the Site Dynamics platform plus additional benefits including an advanced mobile customer experience.
To assist the transition to the new platform, we have several ‘on-demand’ training videos to help you get the most out of your website.
Introduction to the new website and stock locator
Content Management System (CMS) overview
Introduction to the new website and stock locator
Content Management System (CMS) overview
Easily update your dealership contact details, homepage design and more.
Your reporting and analytics location to help understand the data and leads that your website generates.
Stock Management
AutoGate stock integration and more.
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