SMS Auto-Reponse

What is it?

Updating and customising your SMS Auto-Response

Deleting a template


What is it?

We offer a service which allows you to customise the text message that is automatically sent out to a customer when they make an SMS enquiry. An SMS Auto-Response will also be sent out to any desktop users that enter a valid mobile number in the enquiry form when submitting an email lead.

Updating and customising your SMS Auto-Response 

To customise your SMS Auto-Response, click on 'Settings' in the left-hand side menu, followed by 'SMS Auto-Response'. 

On the Auto-Response settings page, you will see a default template as seen below.

You can hover your mouse over 'Default' and once clicked on, the page will bring up a side window with the current template.

To edit your template, click on the 'Edit' button which will bring up the below.

For any customers that submit email leads via a desktop and you do not have a 'Dealer Name' entered, they will be sent an SMS Auto-Response from your carsales SMS virtual number. Customers will then have the ability to respond to these auto responses which will generate an SMS Connect lead. However, please be aware that our system will pick these leads up as duplicate leads and you will not be charged.

Note: We recommend adding a 'Dealer Name' that is within the 11 character limit. SMS Auto Responses will be sent from this dealer name and customers will not be able to respond to these auto responses.

Clicking on any of the blue buttons at the bottom of the page will 
add dynamic tags to your SMS Auto-Response, which will automatically display the relevant details when sending the message. For example, clicking the 'Telephone' tag will populate the telephone number which is configured in your contact details in the ‘Dealership Management’ part of your AutoGate settings. 

On the right hand-side of the page, you can adjust the name of your SMS Auto-Response, as well as toggle the 'Status' button on or off depending on which template you are wanting to use.  


The 'More' button at the bottom page will allow you to send a preview text message to your nominated number.

Deleting your customised template 

To remove a template, simply click on the template, click on the 'More' button from the right-hand side menu, and click the 'Archive' button to remove it. 


Please note: Archiving the template will prompt our system to revert to the default SMS Auto Response message.


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