How do I mark an item as sold or withdrawn?
How do I re-publish an item that is sold or withdrawn?
What is health and how can I improve it?
Understanding your inventory stats
How do I publish an item?
Once an item has been created, you are able to control your publishing by clicking on an inventory item, and using the 'manage publishing' section on the top-right corner.
Moving the slider to 'on' will publish your ad to the live site.
How do I mark an item as sold or withdrawn?
Underneath the 'manage publishing' area, you will have options to either mark the item as sold or withdrawn.
We recommend that you use these buttons, as they not only unpublish your stock item, but they will also categorise the item as 'sold' or 'withdrawn'. This means that when you next click onto your inventory page, the item will not longer appear, and can only be searched using the 'sold' or 'withdrawn' filters.
Using these buttons will give your dealership better data to track and monitor performance in terms of how many vehicles have been sold or taken down within a period of time.
How do I re-publish an item that is sold or withdrawn?
Sometimes sales fall through, and you need to re-publish an item once it has been marked as sold or withdrawn.
1) You will need to go to your inventory, and select the 'sale status' filter, and select "all".
2) From here, you can use the search bar, or any of the other filters to enter keywords to narrow down the search for your item
3) Once you've found it, click on the item, then click on the EDIT button
4) Lastly, find the 'sale status' field, and change this to 'for sale'. Remember to click the save button at the bottom of the page. You will now be able to manage your publishing, and use the sliders to publish the ad whenever necessary.
What is health and how can I improve it?
The health of your advert is displayed within the Inventory tab as well as the detailed page of your stock item. 'Health' indicates the level of detail the Inventory item has. The better the score, the better the ad!
The health of an item is based on the amount of photos on your item, as well as how much item detail has been entered within Autogate.
We generally recommend having a minimum of 15 photos for a car, and a minimum of 9 photos for other items (boat, bike etc).
Additionally, filling in all the item information will help you achieve 100% health. Any field that has an orange or red border will need to be filled out, as shown below.
Health percentages will be displayed in AutoGate in three colours:
Green = Good ad quality
Orange = Average ad quality
Red = Bad ad quality
It is recommended that all items in your inventory are as close to 100% health as possible to achieve best results for your advertising.
Printing a brochure
Within Autogate, you have the option to print a brochure for your own marketing use.
The brochure will contain generic photos of your listing, such as the title of the ad, the price, photos, comments as well as other information. You are also able to change the template, colours or the logo that appear on the brochure, as shown below.
Understanding your inventory stats
On your main inventory page, you will see some stats which give you a general idea of how successful your ad has been.
The magnifying icon demonstrates how many times your item has been viewed in a search, the eye icon represents the number of clicks onto your ad specifically, the "person" icon shows how many leads the item has received, whilst the start icon shows how many people are 'watching' the item.
If you click onto a specific item you have access to a graph showing the data trends of that item, as shown below:
You will also see some information on the right hand-side, including how many of your watchers are contactable.
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